Ensure you and anyone else involved in the accident is safe and secure If required, call the ambulance, fire department or police. Collect details of the third party involved in the accident (or witnesses), including names, addresses, contact numbers, registration numbers, makes, and models. Do not admit liability (let your insurer investigate &establish the liability)
Claim process
- Please contact our office to notify us of the incident.
- Complete the relevant claim form and return it to us along with the supporting documents.
- Once the claim is lodged, it will be allocated to claim officer and/or an assessor
- Supply a quote/estimate to repair and/or replace the items damaged during the incident
- The insurer will then assess the quotes and damage and authorize the repair work.
- The insurer will then assess the quotes and damage and authorize the repair work.
- The insurer may recover any losses from third parties where the third party is deemed to be at fault..